Judy and Ralph Duley have been “Kiwi Heroes” for some time. Both in their 70’s and from the Hawkes Bay, they are physical therapists, and work with orphaned handicapped children in Western China. This relentlessly dedicated couple has established one sufficiently staffed “family unit” to provide 24 hour care for 6 severely handicapped children within the orphanage.
Their hard work is paying off and can be seen in the real improvement in the lives of those under the care of the Duleys and their team of carers and physiotherapists. The Duleys are hoping to extend their “family unit” model of child nurturing and development to enable more children within the orphanage to realize their full potential. For the Duley’s religious faith is their driver and without doubt the atmosphere in their presence is one of love, caring and helping children along no matter how severe their disadvantage and no matter how adverse the circumstances. For more info see
www.chinaheartint.org/. Latest photos can be found at
February 2007