We need to talk about Climate Change

Geoff SimmonsEnvironment

Dealing with climate change is difficult, there is no denying that. Thankfully as a nation we have moved past denying climate change itself. Now we are debating the best way to deal with it. That much is progress. The contributors … Read More

Saving Lake Taupo – a World First

Gareth MorganEnvironment

We talked to farmer Mike Barton about all the work that has gone into saving Lake Taupo. Mike even gave Geoff a pronunciation lesson (think toe paw). Saving the lake from declining water quality has been an enormous challenge, but … Read More

Why are we still dragging our feet on climate change?

Gareth MorganEnvironment

Climate change deniers have well and truly been given the flick yet political commitment to policies to reduce carbon footprints remains limp. Given the Government’s quick and dirty climate change consultation (it is 4 weeks long, logically flawed and doesn’t … Read More

The cat debate is over. What happens next?

Gareth MorganEnvironment

Two years after we first put the cat amongst the pigeons with the Cats to Go campaign, the NZ Vets Association (NZVA) yesterday finally released their definitive, evidence-based position on the issue. The evidence in the report should finally settle … Read More