Someone recently asked me what motivates me to write books. The main reason is that they impose a discipline on me when I’m thinking about a subject and trying to frame up a viewpoint. Whether it’s about finance, tax and welfare, climate change, regulation or whatever – these are all big subjects and very difficult to get instant, informed views on. So by asking a question and then setting out to deliver the answer in a methodical, disciplined manner taking account of all the knowledge you can find on the topic, you eventually end up with a defensible view.
Besides that the process is fun – it’s what we all do from the time we do our first school project, to our university dissertations. Even those of us who left the formal education system behind yonks ago still need to formulate business plans or submissions to parliamentary committees in a defensible manner. And the discipline of constructing your arguments in a way that they can be defended is the only way to go.
Now when it comes to the motorcycle travel books I write with Jo, there the rationale is far less heavy. It’s so we don’t look back on the rides a decade or so on and totally forget everything that happened.
I’m under no illusion that my “book phase” will pass, it takes a lot of hours to knock these over and none of us have an inexhaustible supply of energy.
If you want to get up to speed on the topics I write about, have a flick through some of the blog posts or head on over to the book section.
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