Cat war breaks out in New Zealand

Gareth MorganEnvironment, Media

In this island nation said to harbor more cat owners per capita than any other country, a furor has broken out over a crusade to eradicate man’s second-best friend. The charge is being led by Gareth Morgan, a nationally renowned … Read More

ERADICAT – Australian attitudes towards Cats

Gareth MorganEnvironment, Media

The Cats the To Go campaign has touched people in many countries around the world. In particular it has sparked massive debate in Australia, where the Australian Geographic has covered it ( ) and now SBS’s Insight program has featured … Read More

Karori cat meeting on 7 Sharp

Gareth MorganMedia

Gareth Morgan is holding his public meeting tonight over his cat campaign Karori cat meeting on 7 Sharp was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Gareth Morgan

Karori meets about cat-free proposal

Gareth MorganMedia

The good people of Karori in Wellington are being asked to make a fundamental change in their lives. Karori meets about cat-free proposal was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Gareth Morgan

Media watch interview

Gareth MorganMedia

Here is an interview on Media watch discussing the Cat’s to Go campaign, The Wellington Phoenix and my interaction with the press. Media watch interview was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Gareth Morgan

Staging a pussy riot

Gareth MorganMedia

Today’s blog is not a blog about cats per se. Instead, let’s focus on the corners we run to when the cat conversation comes up. What is it about the cat issue that polarises us all in New Zealand? Staging … Read More